Frontier Extension District Master Gardeners
The Frontier Extension District is currently taking applications for the Master Gardener Training, which will take place this fall. If you aren’t sure if the Master Gardener Program is for you, ask yourself these questions: Do you enjoy working in the garden, flower bed or your lawn? Do you enjoy people, learning new things and helping out in your community? If you answered yes to these questions, the Master Gardener Program may be for you! Digital applications can be found below, or a physical copy can be picked up in your local Frontier District office. Please note that the deadline to sign up this year is Friday, Aug. 15, 2025, at 5 p.m.
Extension Master Gardener application
EMG Volunteer Hour Reporting
Online State Secure System - preferred
Soils Lesson Plans
Soil Testing and Using Fertilization Recommendations
USLE (Universal Soil Loss Equation) Activity