Master Food Volunteers

Who Can Become a Master Food Volunteer?

Anyone with an interest in food preparation, food preservation, food safety, or food science can apply for the Extension Master Food volunteer Program if it is active in your county. If you want to improve skills and knowledge and you like to work with people, the Extension Master Food Volunteer Program may be for you.

Who are the Volunteers?

  • People with an interest in foods and nutrition
  • People who wish to contribute to their community
  • People who believe in continuing education
  • People who believe volunteering is important and will complement their life
  • People who want to be affiliated with Extension
  • People who want to meet other volunteers
  • People who like a challenge
  • People who want to help other people

What are the Program Requirements?

The Master Food Volunteer Program provides approximately 40 hours of training in food science, food preparation, food preservation and food safety. These classes are taught by county extension professionals, K-State extension specialists, and industry professionals. Class members complete certification as an Extension Master Food Volunteer by contributing a minimum of 40 hours of approved volunteer service back to the community.

Volunteer Requirements

  • Live in the county in which you will volunteer.
  • Be available for at least 40 hours of training classes.
  • Be committed to donating at least 40 hours of approved service back to the community.
  • Have at least a high school diploma or the equivalent.
  • Able and willing to travel to a training site for all classes.
  • Enjoy working with adults and/or youth and willing to share your love of food through various Extension Master Food Volunteer projects and events.
