Financial Management

No one is born with natural money management skills. You may have learned some money management skills from your family but you may want to manage your finances differently than your parents did. You also may have learned some money management skills at school or through life experiences. Developing good money management skills takes time, practice, and patience. Check out the following resources for tips on how to manage debt and get started building financial security!

When Your Income Drops

Many circumstances can lead to an abrupt reduction in income: a factory layoff or cutback, loss of a job, reduced farm income, or loss of a second income from a spouse. Just the threat of any of these situations is a serious blow to individuals and families struggling to survive economically in difficult times. The fact sheets in this series can help you begin to find your way when your income drops.

When Your Income Drops: Don't Panic -- Take Control

When Your Income Drops: Making Ends Meet

When Your Income Drops: Coping With Stress

When Your Income Drops: Community and Family Resources

When Your Income Drops: Sharpening Survival Skills

Related Information

Basic Money Management

Budgeting Basics

Dogs, Cats and Birds, Oh My! - Factoring Pet Costs into a Family Budget

Financial Literacy - 30 Step Path to Financial Freedom

Financial Management

Getting Out of Debt

Through a Child's Eyes: Helping Children Understand the Concepts of Time, Money, and Talent

How are You Doing? A Financial Checkup

How Much Debit is Too Much?

Money Smart

Organizing Household Records

Rutgers - Personal Finance Information

Supermarket-Savings Tips

Taking Inventory - Protecting Your Household Possessions

Where to Go for Credit and Debt Help

Your Spending Plan


Household Budgeting Worksheet

Our Valuable Records

Wallet Wisdom page photo

Wallet Wisdom is a six-session webinar series held by K-State Research and Extension, which covered a variety of money management topics in April and May 2021.

Watch the recorded sessions and find the referenced materials for each of the six sessions: