Club Resources
4-H Cloverbuds
The overall purpose of the 4-H Cloverbuds program is to foster the development of life skills that are essential for the cognitive, social, emotional and physical maturation of 5- and 6-year-old youth by providing a unique educational opportunity.
4-H Club Seal Application and Annual Report of Community Work
Celebrating with 4-H Ceremonies
Financial Review Forms - Due November 1
Secretary Notes (Form Fillable)
Officer Book Rubrics (Historian, Secretary, Reporter, Treasurer)
Wording to run a club meeting for a young president
Secretary template for a more experienced or teen secretary
Secretary template for a young secretary
Club Day Resources
4-H Club Day Guidelines and Score Sheets (District & Regional Club Day)
Instructions on How to Upload a YouTube Video ( YouTube requires you to have a Gmail Account. If you do not wish to create a Gmail Account, please upload your entry video onto a jumpdrive and bring it to your local Extension Office. Please call to make an appointment to bring in your jumpdrive.)
Communication Fact Sheets
- Demonstrations
- Demonstration or Illustrated Talk Outline Planning Form
- Effective Presentation Tips
- Illustrated Talks
- Preparing and Using Visual Aids
- Presentation Brainstorming Activity
- Presentation Overview
- Project Talks
- Public Speaking
4-H Club Corner - Club Leaders Tools & Resources
Treasurer's Book Excel 2010 (this spreadsheet is a tool that your club may or may not choose to use)